82 African Grey Parrots Rescued in Cameroon



From Ainare Idoiaga, Limbe Wildlife Centre:

On 16 June 2013, with no advanced notice, Limbe Wildlife Centre was brought a total of 82 African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) that were confiscated by Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) officials from smugglers who issues are detected and addressed, and weight is taken. All parrots are banded, which allows us to keep track of each individual. Those requiring additional medication or specialized care are placed into hospitalization.

Since 2007, Limbe Wildlife Centre has received 3,269 African Grey Parrots as a result of confiscations from the illegal animal trade (the largest number of parrots brought to any African sanctuary). Confiscated parrots often arrive on extremely short notice, the latest group arriving with no notice at all, and being a primate-focused sanctuary, we struggle to provide the highest standards of rehabilitative care to these individuals, with the ultimate goal of releasing all of them into the wild. African Grey rehabilitation and care is a financially and time costly process, and with so many new arrivals, we are struggling to cover veterinary costs, find space to house them for the quarantine period, and must make serious repairs to our flight cage.

Please help your parrot’s wild cousins! Please donate and/or share!

  • Limbe Wildlife Centre: www.limbewildlife.org
  • Limbe Wildlife Centre on Facebook
  • Blog: limbewildlifecentre.wildlifedirect.org
  • To donate to Limbe Wildlife and help the parrots, you can send a Paypal donation to “stichting weesaapjes”. This is a Dutch primate rescue that helps Limbe Wildlife take online donations. Make sure to note that your donation is for Limbe. Stichting Weesaapjes’ website.


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